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Toluwanimi Oni, Ph.D., MPH
Occupational & Environmental Health

Toluwanimi Oni, Ph.D., MPH

Assistant Research Professor

Hudson College of Public Health
801 NE 13th St, Room 415
Post Office Box 26901
Oklahoma City, OK 73104

(405) 271-8001, x33848

Dr. Toluwanimi Oni is an Assistant Research Professor at the Department of Occupational and Environmental Health. Dr. Oni earned a Bachelor of Science in Physiology and a Master of Public Health in Environmental Health from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria and a PhD in Occupational and Environmental Health from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences.

Dr. Oni’s research interests are focused on assessing environmental exposures to hazards in occupational and community settings and developing novel approaches or tools for mitigating environmental exposures to carcinogens and asthma triggers.


  • PhD, Occupational and Environmental Health, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences, 2024
  • MPH, Environmental Health, University of Ibadan, 2016
  • BS, Physiology, University of Ibadan, 2011


  • Assistant Professor of Research, Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences, 2024 – present
  • Hudson Fellow, Hudson College of Public Health, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences, 2021 – 2024
  • Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences, 2019 - 2021


  • OEH 5013 Introduction to Environmental Health
  • OEH 5023 Public Health Sanitation
  • OEH 5723 Fundamentals of Occupational and Environmental Health Science
  • OEH 5742 Industrial Hygiene & Env. Measurements
  • OEH 5801 Basic Ergonomics
  • OEH 5980 Research for Master’s Thesis
  • OEH 6980 Research for Doctoral Dissertation

Clinical/Research Interests:

  • Assessing exposures to environmental hazards in occupational and community settings
  • Developing and testing the efficacy of novel approaches or tools for mitigating environmental exposures to carcinogens and asthma triggers

Select Publications:

Link to Dr. Oni's full publication list

1. Floyd E, Oni T, Cai C, Rehman B, Hwang J, Watson T. Validation of a High Flow Rate Puff Topography System Designed for Measurement of Sub-Ohm, Third Generation Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(13):7989.

2. Evan L. Floyd, Jonghwa Oh, Karim Sapag, Toluwanimi M. Oni, Jacob S. Shedd and Claudiu T. Lungu. Photothermal desorption of toluene from carbonaceous substrates using light flash. Nanomaterials 2022, 12(4), 662;

3. FL Esteban Florez, T Thibodeau, T Oni, E Floyd, SS Khajotia, C Cai. Size-resolved spatial distribution analysis of aerosols with or without the utilization of a novel aerosol containment device in dental settings. Physics of Fluids 33 (8), 085102

4.  Floyd, E.; Greenlee, S.; Oni, T.; Sadhasivam, B.; Queimado, L. The Effect of Flow Rate on a Third-Generation Sub-Ohm Tank Electronic Nicotine Delivery System - Comparison of CORESTA Flow Rates to More Realistic Flow Rates. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021, 18, 7535. https://

5. Changjie Cai, Evan L. Floyd, Kathleen A. Aithinne, Toluwanimi Oni. Is the Current N95 Respirator Filtration Efficiency Test Sufficient for Evaluating Protection Against Submicrometer Particles Containing SARS-CoV-2? medRxiv 2020.05.14.20102327; doi:

6.  Evan L. Floyd, Subekchhya Subedi, Theodore L. Wagener, David L. Johnson, and Toluwanimi M. Oni. Low powered variable voltage E-Cigarette batteries under perform at higher power settings. Inhalation Toxicology, 32:3, 110-114, DOI: 10.1080/08958378.2020.1748145

7. Godson R.E.E. Ana, Toluwanimi M. Oni, and Derek G. Shendell. Carbon Monoxide Exposure and Reported Health Conditions among filling station attendants in Ibadan, Nigeria, Journal of Environmental Health, Vol. 83, Iss. 1 pp 26-31.

8.  Oni, T. and Ana, G. Ambient air pollution exposure and lung function assessment of filling station attendants in Ibadan, Nigeria. Reviews on Environmental Health, 0(0), pp. doi:10.1515/reveh-2018-0027.