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Michael P. Anderson, Ph.D.
Biostatistics & Epidemiology

Michael P Anderson, Ph.D.


Hudson College of Public Health
801 NE 13th St, Room 350
Post Office Box 26901
Oklahoma City, OK 73104

(405) 271-2229, x50498

Dr. Anderson is a Professor of Biostatistics and has been a faculty member at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC) since 2009.  He is a methodologist with research interests in developing new methods for analyzing high dimensional data.  He has successfully developed methods for constructing Bayesian probability models to classify short DNA strands of unknown origin to the species which they belong, determining infants at risk of severe intra-ventricular hemorrhage, and detecting differential gene expressions between treatment and control groups.  Dr. Anderson has served as a pediatric collaborative biostatistician for the past decade and has 119 peer-reviewed collaborative manuscripts during that time.  He brings his expertise of probability models into the classroom where he teaches and mentors students in the areas of probability theory, linear models, and applied Bayesian analyses.  He has a passion for developing statistical software and served as the PI on a subcontract of an NIH STTR Phase I award aimed at developing user-friendly Bayesian analysis software.


  • BS Statistics, 2003, Utah State University
  • MS Statistics, 2006, Kansas State University
  • PhD Statistics, 2009, Kansas State University


  • Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, OUHSC
  • Council of Sections Representative, Statistical Programmers and Analysts, ASA
  • NIH Data Safety Monitoring Board Member


  • BSE 5163 Biostatistics Methods I
  • BSE 5703 Principles of the Theory of Probability
  • BSE 5763 Applied Bayesian Stats
  • BSE 6553 Linear Models
  • PH 3313 Health Data and Statistics

Clinical/Research Interests:

  • Statistical genetics/genomics
  • Bayesian statistical analysis
  • Bioinformatics
  • Statistical computing
  • Nonparametrics
  • Mixed models
  • Statistical education
  • Data science

Select Publications:

Link to Dr. Anderson's current publications

Select publications:

  1. Rodden, Layne; Chutake, Yogesh; Gilliam, Kaitlyn; Lam, Chritina; Soragni, Elisabetta; Hauser, Lauren; Gilliam, Matthew; Wiley, Graham; Anderson, Michael; Gottesfeld, Joel; Lynch, David; Bidichandani, Sanjay.  Methylated and unmethylated epialleles support variegated epigenetic silencing in Friedreich ataxia. Human Molecular Genetics 2020;29(23): 3818-3929.doi:10.1093/hmg.ddaa267
  2. Ranallo, Courtney; Thurman, Tracy; Holt, Shirley; Frank-Pearce, Summer; Anderson, Michael; Heulitt, Mark. Effect of Nitric Oxide Delivery Device on Tidal Volume Accuracy During Mechanical Ventilation at Small Tidal Volumes. Respir Care. 2020;65(11):1641-1647. doi:10.4187/respcare.07105 
  3. Anderson, Michael; Cooper, M. Townsend. The use of Bayesian analysis techniques in pediatric research. The Journal of Pediatrics 2019; 205: 295-297
  4. Ivanov, Vadim; Wolf, Roman; Papin, James; Anderson, Michael; Hill, Claude; Welliver, Robert. Apnea induction for invasive lung function testing in infant olive baboons: Comparison of intravenous propofol versus hyperventilation. J Med Primatol. 2018;47(1):46-50. doi:10.1111/jmp.12306
  5. Hughes, Kaitlin; Johnson, Peter; Anderson, Michael; Sekar, Kris; Welliver, Robert; Miller, Jamie. Comparison of Amikacin Pharmacokinetics in Neonates Following Implementation of a New Dosage Protocol. J Pediatr Pharmacol Ther. 2017;22(1):33-40. Doi:10.5863/1551-6776-22.1.33