HCOPH Seeking Alumni Feedback for CEPH Accreditation
Published: Friday, September 16, 2022
As part of our CEPH reaccreditation process, we are hoping to gain insight from recent graduates on how your experience and degree study shaped you as a public health professional. We would like to invite you to a focus group designed to garner feedback on what qualities you developed at the HCOPH that have served you well into your career. We also hope to identify areas where we can improve or alter our curriculum to better serve upcoming professionals. The focus group will be facilitated by a new faculty member in hopes of allowing you all to each speak freely about your experiences and insights.
The sessions will be held virtually, via Zoom, and will last no longer than two hours. Our next alumni focus group session will be held on Friday, October 14 from 12:00-2:00 pm. If you are a graduate from the last one to three years and would like to attend this final session, please fill out this quick survey.